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11/29/21 Updates for Orchestra this Weird Week

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

They just keep throwing new surprises our way! Well, it gives me time to provide some updates.

1. Was there any damage to the music areas?

No! As far as anyone can tell, water was confined to areas around the center of the new 3-story areas. Whew!

2. Instrument Pick-Up

If you left your instrument at school over the holiday, you may come retrieve it today between 3:00 and 6:00pm. Enter directly by the band room doors. You will not be able to access other parts of the building, only your locker in the music area. I will not be in the building at that time, but some of the band teachers will be.

3. Will Sinfonia and Symphony still be recording for NBC15 on Thursday at 10am?

Not sure yet. Optimistic that we will be allowed into the building for that event, but we have to wait until air quality inspections take place. Sit tight, stay tuned!

4. What assignments do orchestra students need to do this week?

There are several possible activities/assignments for this week.

  • EVERY SINGLE STUDENTneeds to complete the 12-Week Progress Report found in Google Classroom

  • You can practice your music, either for SC-2 or for Winter Teas. Scans are linked in GC.

  • Since you have time during the school day, you can help out with 4th grade, 5th grade, or 6-8 grade orchestra classes. You need to sign up ahead of time so the schools know to put you on their visitor calendars. To sign up to help, check out THIS GOOGLE DOC and write in your name in the chosen slots.

  • You can complete some of the listening or musicianship assignments already posted in GC.

  • Check out the Orchestra calendar linked in GC for more info about what is coming up later in the semester.

5. Will there be ASR times for orchestra this week?

Yes. These will be done through Google Meet and will happen Tues/Thurs 2:17-3:44. Click on THIS LINK to join. If nobody has come in to the ASR by 2:45-3:00, I will likely shut it down unless you send me an email letting me know what time you will stop in. We can do conferences this way, but only if you have your yellow paper filled out and with you.

6. Fruit Delivery Day - Dec. 11th!

- Please don't forget to pick up your fruit between 8:00am and 12:00pm

- Parents, please sign up to volunteer

- Students, plan to volunteer for a few hours that morning. Stay tuned for info!

7. WSMA State Honors Auditions

- Auditions are not until February (and they happen here at MHS), but the deadline to register is this Friday!

- The MHS account code for WSMA is 10508. Please contact me if you have questions or want to know more about the Honors program.

Have a great and productive week!



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