Middleton Cross-Plains Orchestra Boosters are made up of parent volunteers & donors whose missions are to enhance and support the educational experience of Middleton High School musicians. Proceeds from all of the fundraising events are used to assist and support the band and orchestra programs at Middleton High School, including student music camp scholarships, guest performances, and clinicians, accompaniment for solo and ensemble, instrument purchases and lessons, as well as costs associated with a child participating in these music programs. These booster organizations are under the Band & Orchestra Booster. Inc. 501 (c) (3) non-profit incorporated in the State of Wisconsin.
Orchestra Board
Emily L.
President: The president shall preside over all the MCPOB Executive Board Meetings and officiate when necessary over sub-committee meetings. He/she shall preside over the general meeting and delegate duties for each board member at the beginning of the school year and board term. The president should exert decisive influence on the goals of fundraisers, which is the main function of the MCPOB Executive Board. He/she shall work closely with the teachers to set up meeting formats and with other board members to ensure proper execution of individual responsibilities.
Vice President / Events Coordinator
Emily L.
The Vice/President/Events Coordinator shall coordinate and liaise with any committees that handle events, such as concerts and fundraisers. The VP/EC shall discharge the President's duties in the event of their absence and assist the President as required. They shall assist in the recruitment of the chairpersons of these committees. They also maintain a list of volunteers. There is not an automatic progression from VP/EC to President.
Secretary /Communications
Sarah C.
The Communications Officer shall be responsible for maintaining all records of the Executive Board and the entire association, take minutes of all Executive Board meetings, type all correspondence necessary to carry out the official business of the association and promote good will and communication within the group and community. All above should be filed in the association book and accurate records should be maintained in the book. The Communications Officer also maintains an association email list and communicates with the Web Administrator and Social Media officers to facilitate good family communications.
Jie Y.
The Treasurer shall share (with the Band Booster Treasurer and, at times, MHS Music Staff members) responsibility for maintaining all financial records of MCPOB. Duties can include:
Disperse payments as directed by teachers according to determined budget levels or by board vote.
Periodically submitting these records to the secretary to file in the MCPOB Book.
Setting up the accounting system for the annual report.
An annual summary of financial activity shall be prepared and presented by the Treasurer at the general meeting to be held at the beginning of the school year.
Assist and supervise setting up the accounting system for all fundraisers
Review any filing requirements necessary for government agencies, make recommendations, and seek professional advice regarding investment decisions.
Submit all financial records to a qualified independent party for audit annually.
Alumni & Historian Chair
Carol B.
The Alumni/Historian will work to maintain a list of MHS Orchestra alums, updating names and contact information as much as possible. He/she will maintain methods to communicate with graduates and perhaps assist in the solicitation of donations from alums. He/she will also work to create/maintain a full picture of the history of the MHS Orchestra program from its beginnings in 1936.
PR / Advocacy Chair
The PR/Advocacy Chair will work with the teachers to advocate for and publicize the activities of the string musicians in MCPASD. They will coordinate efforts with the Social Media and Website positions to publish articles to local media, communicate with district PR people, and write original content when needed. He/she will lead any advocacy efforts, both proactively and reactively.