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2/5/24 - Orchestra Updates

Hi all,

We are getting close to our S&E event on Saturday 2/10.  Here are some important details:

  • HERE is a schedule for the day.  It should update as I make changes, so you can use it even on the day of the event!

  • Some times might change to a small degree, so people should check back for updates

  • We can only make changes to the schedule through trades.

  • We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help us make the day run well.  Please help out by signing up for 1 or more shifts.  The day runs smoothly only with your generous help.

  • There is going to be a potluck for the adjudicators, accompanists, teachers, and staff.  Look for a sign-up for that coming in the next few days.

  • WSMA rules allow the recording of performances at S&E festivals but forbid the recording of any adjudicator feedback.


-- Concert coming up on 2/29

-- Sinfonia & Cardinal will be performing at the Capitol Rotunda on Tues 3/5--info soon

-- We are very close to announcing our Spring Tour 2025 destination.  90% sure is will be a continent that starts with E and a country that starts with... I can't wait!




Steve Kurr


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